School Vision

School Vision – ‘Learning for Life’

Learning for life, refers to the importance of everyone becoming lifelong learners and about the relevancy and authenticity of the learning experience.


Our vision focuses on the individual (motivation, approaches to and experiences of learning) and the social dimensions of learning (creating a community, supporting others, a collective endeavour).

For the individual it is about learning to learn, being able to manage one’s response to learning, with the ultimate aim of creating learner autonomy. As a result everyone will need the necessary knowledge and continuous access to quality learning opportunities. Children and adults should be exposed to knowledge that not only creates cultural capital, but also takes them to intellectual spaces they have not yet occupied.

Alongside knowledge acquisition, individuals should be trained in methods of participation, enabling them to be actively involved in their own learning journey. This will support them in finding a sense of purpose and set them on the path to discovering their passion. 


The social dimension emphasises learning to care for ourselves and each other, for understanding and respecting different groups and communities and caring for and taking responsibility for the planet. To ensure inclusivity, learning experiences are designed with these three elements in mind. In this way we will support social cohesion and foster active, informed citizenship. 


Ultimately, by following the mantra of learning for life we aim to create individuals and society that can adapt to large-scale changes, whether they be environmental, economic, social or cultural, and find solutions to the problems that are presented.