Learning Overview

Key Knowledge Year 3
Since the pandemic, we have become aware that we need to focus on number bonds in order to allow the children to access the Y3 maths curriculum. Therefore, we are using Numbots every day in our maths lessons and focusing on speed. It will be helpful if you were able to access this at home as well to give them the chance to be as successful as possible.
Also, by the end of Year 3 the Government expects children to be able to spell many of the words in the Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling word list.
As such, these are two key areas of focus in school for our Year 3 pupils. We also feel these are great areas, alongside regular reading, for children to work on at home.
The spelling list is included below and can be easily found on google by typing "Year 3 / 4 spelling list". 
Our Daily Key Skills page on this website will help support children with practising these skills at home.
Autumn Term 1
This first half-term at the Junior School we will be focusing on giving the children time to settle in to their new classes and learn what it is like to be a Y3 person.
We will get off to a flying start with our Forest Schools day in the park- an opportunity to work together in teams whilst also challenging yourself. The teachers love it!
Our learning is all about how we understand ourselves and therefore can better understand others.
We will use books that the children will recognise from the Infant School to consider what makes us special, what emotions we feel and what communities we belong to.
Our grand Design and Technology project at the end of the half term will be learning a variety of sewing stitches so we can design, make and finish off a mascot toy that represents us.
Autumn Term 2
This second half term of Y3 introduces us to the Prehistoric times with a focus on history. We will learn about what prehistory means, what life was like for the people who lived then and will meet some of the amazing animals that lived at that time. We will also use our science skills and knowledge to investigate the  rocks and soils. Throw in a visit from the marvellous History Van and we are all set up for a fabulous half term of learning. 
Spring Term 1
This half-term, Year 3  will be having a science focus when we investigate the mysteries of light and shadow and find out exactly how it works. 
We will also be turning our artistic attentions to painting landscapes and have hopes that we can get a local artist to come in and give us lots of tips. 
In computing we begin our journey on how to code using the Scratch program. This is always a popular unit of work and the children make quick progress.
Add in some glockenspiels in our music lessons and all in all we 've got an exciting half term ahead of us. 
Spring Term 2
It's time to delve deep into the mysteries of Ancient Egypt and find out exactly how do you  mummify the dead? And what do salt, hooks and crocodiles have to do with it? 
In our R.E. lessons we will be learning the story of The Last Supper and the Crucifixion and Resurrection just in time for the Easter holidays. 
And just in case we get hungry doing all of this work we will be focusing on healthy sandwiches during our DT lessons- what goes in them, what should we do to convince other people to eat them and how can we package them well?
We are bouncing into Spring 2.
Summer Term 1
In our Geography lessons we take a look at what causes volcanoes and why people live near them. Our reading book, The Firework Maker's Daughter, will tie in with this theme and is always a favourite. In Science we study what plants need to survive and get our hands dirty in the soil- but we will wash them afterwards. Keeping with the nature theme we will be using withies (willow stems) to create sculptures inspired by animals and birds. We will have a guest sculptor coming in to give us ideas and support.
And it's time for my favourite Class Novel of the year- Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf. You might need to get this ordered from your local bookshop as the children love it. Finally, we are planning a local visit to a church to take a look at what it looks like on the inside and chat to some people with the answers to all our questions. It's an action-packed half -term...again!