Physical Activity Page
Hello and welcome to the HBJ Physical Activity Page. This page is designed to give pupils, parents and carers ideas to support both mental and physical health during this time of school closure. Below are some useful links to resources which can be used to support physical health along with some suggestions as to how best to use these resources.
Keep tuning into this page for more suggestions, ideas and maybe even some contact from HBJ staff having a go at keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy whilst school remains shut.
Whilst away from school, we would like children to carry out at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day and at least 10 minutes of mindfulness and wellbeing activities.
Here are some good suggestions to support with keeping physically healthy.
Get on Sworkit and get active or even design your own workout. All login details should have been sent to parents via email but please get in touch with the office if not.
To keep active, have a look at ‘active at home’ ideas sheet and use the following links to access great resources to help you all get moving
Parents and carers, please check the suitability of any videos on youtube as not all content will necessarily be age appropriate.
FYI: New content will be displayed at the top of this page and then moved to the bottom as it's replaced by newer content.
Some of our students have channelled their inner Joe Wicks!
They not only designed but also completed a 30 minute fitness workout on Sworkit with Mr Adebola.
Have a go and let us know what you think we will keep adding new workouts that are created below...
You can also use the AFC Wimbledon resources below to design your own workout if you don't have regular access to a computer or mobile device
Fit Kids Club Fitness
We've enjoyed training with The Body Coach in school. If you're looking for some training on the days he's not broadcasting we've also been doing some Fit Kids Club fitness & dance training with Beachbody & Shaun T.
There are lots of different videos available though take a look & give them a go